Medical Training
Doctors involved in the acute care of trauma patients in the east of England should be trained in ATLS or ETC, and we encourage them to also have undertaken the regional Trauma Team Essentials Course (TTEC) and Trauma Emergency Skills Course.
Specialist courses for those in Orthopaedics or Surgery are additionally available.
ATLS Course
The ATLS course is the basis of our trauma care. The course is run on a regular basis through the Royal College of Surgeons (London). Course details including dates can be found on their website: Royal College of Surgeons (London)
European Trauma Course (ETC)
The ETC is accepted as equivalent to the ATLS course for most . Within the East of England this course is still being developed..
This course has only 1 didactic lecture and is then taught via 32 simulated scenarios. It focuses on team membership and team leadership skills within a trauma team setting. It is not exclusively for doctors and there are senior nurses and paramedics who attend. Please note it is a demanding course and you should be at ST4 level or above, a senior nurse or AHP and actively involved with trauma management on a relatively frequent basis.There is no final exam.
For further information on the European Trauma Course please click here.
Damage Control Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery (DCOTS)
An opportunity to practise using cadavers and learn about the strategies, tactics and skills developed in battlefield surgery that are applicable to the civilian surgeon in the management of the multiply injured patient. This course is currently run on a regular basis by the Royal College of Surgeons (London). Course details including dates can be found on their website: Royal College of Surgeons (London)
Definitive Surgical Trauma Skills (DSTS)
This is a practical cadaveric workshop course for surgeons who are relatively inexperienced in trauma but may be required to perform life-preserving surgery on severely injured patients during the course of their duties. This course is currently run on a regular basis through the Royal College of Surgeons (London). Course details including dates can be found on their website: Royal College of Surgeons (London)
East of England Trauma Emergency Skills Course
This cadaveric course run in both Cambridge and Norwich aims to teach resuscitative thoracotomy, surgical airway, lateral canthotomy, and other ED or pre-hospital surgical skills. The course is run in partnership with the School of Emergency Medicine at HEE. The next course is Tuesday 3rd March 2020 at the University of East Anglia, Norwich. For booking information please see the HEEOE Calendar of Events
Nursing Training
Nurses are involved in the care of trauma patients throughout the pathway, and training is available to reflect that.
The National Major Trauma Nursing Group (NMTNG) has worked to drive Educational and Competency Standards for junior nurses through to Advanced Clinical Practitioners in the continuum of trauma clinical settings.
For more information on the work of the NMTNG, and for access to all current specialty area competencies and standards, please see the National Major Trauma Nursing Group website
Emergency Nursing
Trauma Team Essentials Course (TTEC)
This 1 day course is aimed at training all members of the trauma team working in the East of England. It teaches a standardised approach to receiving the major trauma patient, ways to improve team working, clinical skills needed, and a focus on 'Special Groups', such as paediatrics.
This course meets the Educational Standard required for Level 1 training for nurses and AHPs working in the Emergency Department, and should ideally be completed within 1 year of working in the setting.
There are currently 3 nationally recognised courses available to meet the Educational Standard of Level 2 training for nurses and AHPs working in the Emergency Department. It is expected that Level 2 competence is met within 3 years of working in the ED:
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)
A 2 day intensive course designed to give emergency nurses the knowledge, critical thinking and clinical skills, to provide expert care for trauma patients in the resuscitation room,
A systematic approach to initial assessment
A blend of lectures and psychomotor skills stations to enhance learning
A comprehensive 24 chapter evidence based manual to supplement lectures and skills stations
Successful completion of the course includes a practical and written assessment. Further details can be found on the TNCC website
Advanced Trauma Nursing Course (ATNC)
This course is currently completing a re-accreditation process with the Royal College of Surgeons for England and the American College of Surgeons to be able to run ATNC alongside the Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) 10th Edition course. Course details will be released shortly. For more information, please see the Royal College of Surgeons website.
Critical Care, Ward and Rehabilitation Nursing
Trauma Care After Resuscitation (TCAR)
An innovative 2 day course specifically designed for acute care, critical care, ward, perioperative and rehabilitation nurses working with trauma patients in Major Trauma Centres or Trauma Units. The course will also appeal to other health professionals working in trauma settings such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
The course is lecture based and highly engaging, utilising interactive expanding case scenarios to address the needs of hospitalised patients with injuries due to major trauma.
This course is currently available as a live online class. For details of course dates, please see the TCAR website
Community Tracheostomy Training Course
This 1 day course is aimed at clinicians, support workers and carers who work within an organisation in the East of England and care for patients with a tracheostomy in the community. The course offers a combination of lectures and engaging practical training sessions delivered by experts in tracheostomy care. Delegates will have the opportunity to train in essential practical skills and benefit from a ratio of 6 delegates to 1 trainer.
For information on booking, please email Kitti Czegledi
Spinal Column & Cord Injury Course
The Network plans to deliver a 1 day course focussing on the anatomy and physiology of spinal column and cord injuries, and evidence based nursing care and therapy. Aimed at nurses caring for patients with spinal column and cord injuries in the acute and rehabilitation care settings. Until face to face training is possible, the following online resource is recommended for use by nurses and therapists, as well as other medical professionals, involved in caring for patients with spinal cord injury: The International Spinal Cord Society
Paediatric Nursing
Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)
APLS provides the knowledge and skills necessary for recognition, effective treatment and stabilisation of children with life threatening emergencies, using a structured, sequential approach. Although not purely a trauma course, all candidates are continuously assessed and must complete and pass a trauma scenario. The NMTNG therefore deems APLS as a recognised trauma course for Level 2 educational standard compliance for paediatric major trauma, if undertaken since April 2016.
For course details, please see the ALSG website
Paediatric trauma Care After Resuscitation (PCAR)
This is the paediatric-specific version of the adult focussed TCAR, and is therefore ideal for nurses who care for children with major trauma in the post-resuscitation phase.
The course follows the same format as TCAR and is currently available as a live online class. It can be booked through the same website (see above).